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Discovering Friendship & Calling at Geneva

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“I am really thankful for the sense of community at Geneva College. I didn't have a home in the United States, but Geneva College became my home in the U.S.” 

Angela Lin ‘21, a double major in political science and history, did not originally plan on coming to Geneva, or even the United States, for her higher education. 

As a highschooler in her home province in China, she was able to choose a hard science or soft science path, of which she chose the former, studying STEM. After completing the college entrance exam, she could no longer see herself working in the hard sciences. Although she had a deep interest in history, it was outside of her chosen path. Angela ended up studying economics as “[it was] the most soft science in the hard science path, it was the closest I could get.” 

In just one year, she had earned 72 credits, although the work was not easy for many reasons. Angela spoke about her experienced difficulties with a friend who was a missionary in China. He encouraged her to apply to Christian colleges in America, eventually leading her to Geneva. 

The process and reality of enrolling in an American school was overwhelming. A new culture and a new language were added to the regular challenges of college life. But through professors, fellow students, and the Crossroads staff, Angela says she experienced so much friendliness from her new community. 

“I remember one day I was in the dining hall trying to find a place to sit, and I ended up sitting with Dr. [Byron] Curtis. All of those little interactions are the things that make the difference. Professors inviting me to a meal or for a cup of coffee.” 

This personal care and attention Angela experienced from faculty and staff made it possible for her to feel at home here. It also affected the trajectory of her education. Though Angela was originally a history major, Jay Neikirk, PhD, department chair and professor of history, political science, and sociology, rearranged his American Government class so Angela could take it because he thought she would enjoy it. 

“He was right! That class was so very important for me. I became really interested in the subject and started seriously considering adding political science as a major.” 

Angela notes a particularly significant class, Political Liberalism, taught by philosophy professor Robert Frazier, PhD. This was her first political philosophy class, which is now her primary focus in her doctorate program at Baylor University. Her goal after receiving her PhD is to teach political philosophy. 

Angela shares a unique part of Geneva’s political science and history classes, which has prepared her for critical thinking in her doctoral work and life beyond. 

“In classes the professors gave us different perspectives from different denominations and societies. This is rare to see compared to other campuses. It is really important to ask students to think about these things. The whole reason I wanted to study more humanities is because of my history with a country that is atheistic. How do I deal with materials and engage in different environments with things that either are or are not Christian?” 

Angela’s classes explored faith and how to truly walk it in the world. The faith-life integration and the genuine relationships remain the two most influential elements of Angela’s college experience. 

“Geneva’s Christian commitment encourages professors to form interpersonal, genuine relationships with their students and truly care about them. The professors spend so much time developing relationships with their students and that deeply impacted my life.” 

Whether a student is from Beaver County or across the ocean, Geneva College becomes home for many students as they develop relationships and seek their calling in an educational environment rooted in Christ, with the mission to serve God and neighbor in all they do. 

By Kelsey Ingold ‘18 

Feb 5, 2025

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